Wednesday, June 2, 2010

SEVEN Ps Marketing Mix for Services

1) Product Elements
Service products are at the heart of service marketing strategy. Marketing mix begins with creating service concept that offers value.

2) Place and Time
Service distribution can take place through physical and non-physical channels.
Convenience of place & time becomes important determinants of effective service delivery

3) Price & other user outlays
From the firms' perspective, pricing generates income and creates profits
Form the customers' perspective, pricing is the key part of costs to obtain wanted benefits

4) Promotion and Education
Plays 3 vital roles - Provide information and advice
- Persuades the target customers of merit of service product
- Encourage customer to take action at specific time

5) Process
How firm does thing may be as important as what it does

6) Physical Environment
Design services cape and provide tangible evidence of service performance
Create and maintain physical apperances

7) People
Interactions between customers and contact personnel strongly influence customer perceptions of service quality
Other customer can also affect one's satisfaction with a service

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