Wednesday, June 2, 2010

SEVEN Development Categories for New Service

1) Style Changes - the simplest type of innovation, not involve in either process or performance.

2) Service Improvement - the most common type of innovation. They involve small changes in the performance of current products including improvement to either core product or existing supplementary services.

3) Supplementary Service Innovation - adding new facilitating or enhancing service elements to an existing core service, or of an existing supplementary service.

4) Process Line Extension - new way of delivering existing products to offer more convenience and different experience for existing customers or to attract new customers.

5) Product Line Extension - additions to current product lines to serve a broader variety of need to existing customers or to attract new customer with different needs.

6) Major Process Innovation - new process to deliver existing core products in new ways with additional benefits

7) Major Service Innovation - new core products for markets that have not been previously defined.

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